Category: [programs and events]

International Digital Preservation Workshop 2024 | Apr. 14 – Apr. 26, 2024 | Information Page

Introduction In October, 2016, a small team of researchers and professionals embarked upon a journey to digitally reconstruct and preserve many of the historically significant architectural, archeological and artistic treasures of the ancient city of Volterra, Italy.  The results of this and subsequent workshops (in June, 2017; April, 2018; April 2019 and October 2022) have had great value to the...

Registration for the International Digital Preservation Workshop – Volterra – April 14 – April 26, 2024

Register for the International Digital Preservation Workshop in Volterra – April 14 – April 26, 2024  or read more information about the workshop here. If you have any questions, please send email to: mark.dietrick(at) Please fill out the form completely and press “Submit” button at the bottom. You must also make a deposit payment in the amount of $500 USD. Please use...

Artist in Residence 2019

This year we have restarted our Artist in Residence program, in a new format. It will now include both Italian artists in Detroit, as well as the Detroit artists in Volterra. The program is now ryn in collaboration with the Consulate of Italy in Detroit, and the Ponyride. The first guest of the program from Italy was an artist from Volterra...

Reality Capture Workshop receives American Institute of Architects 2017 Innovation Award… and is the 2017 People’s Choice recipient!

We are extremely happy and honored to be part of the Reality Capture Workshop Team, which has received the American Institute of Architects 2017 Innovation Award. “The Innovation Awards honor new practices and technologies that will further enable project delivery and enhance data-centric methodologies in the management of buildings for their entire lifecycle, from design, to construction and through operations.” (AIA Website)....

WORKSHOP di Storytelling: Fotografia, Scrittura, Videomaking 11-16 Dicembre

Full immersion nei linguaggi contemporanei e nelle regole dello storytelling. Sei giorni di fotografia, videomaking, storie e marketing. Un programma in-tenso di esercitazioni, teoria e analisi di case history reali. I partecipanti sco-priranno i segreti del percorso creativo, dall’idea alla realizzazione, e si con-fronteranno con le regole che governano i diversi mercati di riferimento (edi-toria, corporate, fine-art e web). I...

University of Detroit Mercy Open Enrollment Program Summer 2018

Yellow_line International study program Volterra 2018 [art, history and culture] University of Detroit Mercy School of Architecture & Volterra-Detroit Foundation OPEN ENROLLMENT ACADEMIC PROGRAM Program at a glance: A six week open enrollment program (May 5 2018 – June 18 2018) at the Volterra International Residential College in Volterra Italy, organized by the University of Detroit Mercy School of Architecture...

International Reality Capture Workshop – October 10-22, 2016 – Information page

Introduction The main purpose of this workshop is to provide an International educational experience in which students and professionals will learn to use innovative reality capture technologies and collaboratively produce three dimensional computer models of the ancient City of Volterra, its archaeological remains and some of its treasured artwork. This workshop will provide the participants hands-on experience in using drones...

2016 Volterra Artist in Residence

Between October 1st and November 13th 2015 the Volterra-Detroit Foundation participated in the Give Detroit Challenge organized by Crowdrise. We did it with a very specific goal in mind: to raise funds to start a new program, the Volterra Artist in Residence Fellowship. The six week campaign was generously supported by many of you, who believed in us, and our...

Volterra International Design Workshop 2016

Following the great experience of the 2015 Design Workshop , the three participating schools (University of Detroit Mercy School of Architecture, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and the Warsaw University of Technology) are returning to Volterra in July 2016 for the 2nd Volterra International Design Workshop. THE PROJECT: The objective of the workshop will be to propose a contemporary re-interpretation of the...

International Digital Workshop – Volterra April 2016

The International Digital Workshop took place at the Volterra International Residential College April 21-27 2016. It was organized and run by Giorgio Castellano (zero order architecture), Jan Pernecky (rese arch), Thomas Tholt and Jan Paclt (mx3d, zero order architecture), an international group of architects and researchers. Inspired by the painting in Volterra “The Deposition” by Rosso Fiorentino the students worked...