International Digital Preservation Workshop 2025 | Save the Date | March 30 – April 11, 2025 | Volterra Italy
In October, 2016, a small team of researchers and professionals embarked upon a journey to digitally reconstruct and preserve many of the historically significant architectural, archeological and artistic treasures of the ancient city of Volterra, Italy. The results of this and subsequent workshops (in June, 2017; April, 2018; April 2019, October 2022 and April 2024) have had great value to the team and the City of Volterra and have been recognized by nearly 40 international publications. We are very proud that our work was one of four projects to be recognized by the prestigious American Institute of Architects Technology in Architectural Practice Innovation Awards program and has most recently been featured by National Geographic in their documentary series “Lost Treasures of Rome” in the “Secrets of the Colosseum” episode.
In addition to having produced spectacular photo-realistic virtual replicas which may be used to share the experience of the city to anyone in the world, and for the city to have precise documentation for potential future reconstruction, the data has been used for research on ancient architecture which has resulted in significant discoveries and have been presented at several prestigious international archeological conferences.
Click here for a detailed description of the past workshops and research efforts.
If you are interested in joining us at the next workshop, or would just like to be involved with our efforts, please submit the form below. Thank you for your interest!
If you have any questions please send email to: mark.dietrick(at)